Like everyone else on the internet, we could not stop talking about the article that The Cut released this month outlining new etiquette rules that we should all be following. They covered the dos, don’ts, exceptions, and loopholes that pertain to tipping at restaurants, requesting money on Venmo, being a respectful houseguest, buying a gift off-registry, describing TikToks, and so much more. These unspoken rules got us thinking about the life rules that we all swear by too. Never one to gatekeep, we’re sharing our best rules and hottest takes with you all here.
Conversation Rules
Whether you are talking to your best friend or a total stranger, there are certain things you just shouldn’t say or do. But sometimes, we do them anyway or have different opinions about them. In this case, our editors have some conflicting thoughts, which makes the life rules we have for conversing with others all the more interesting.
- Never send a “hey” text without additional context. There are so many better ways to start a conversation. —Jessica Bennett, Lifestyle Editor
- Always explain what an acronym stands for to someone else who might not know what it is before using it with them. Just because you hear or see it every day in your life doesn’t mean they do too. —Bella Gil, Editorial Fashion Assistant
- Don’t ask if someone’s hair is natural. Just say it’s pretty and move on. —Steph Alleva Cornell, Branded Content Editor
- Keep a notes page on your phone called “The Gift List,” and whenever a close friend or loved one mentions something they like/want, add it next to their name. It makes gift-giving much easier and feels more personal. —McKenna Pringle, Editorial Intern
- Don’t say “yes” when you really want to say “no.” —Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer
- Say yes—to the trip, to the first date, to the little treat, to your friend who asked you to run an errand with them. It’s good for you! —Jessica Welsh, Associate Commerce Editor
- Ask other people questions about themselves more often than you talk about yourself. —Josie Santi, Wellness Editor + Podcast Host
- If you wouldn’t invite them to the cookout, don’t invite them to the baby shower or birthday party. They’ll know you only sent the invite for the gift, not because you actually want them there. —Steph Alleva Cornell, Branded Content Editor
- Don’t comment on someone else’s plate. For example, “wow, are you really going to eat all that?” —Hailey, Assistant Editor
- Say “thank you” instead of “I’m sorry” (i.e. “Thank you for your patience” instead of “I’m sorry I’m running late”). —Josie Santi, Wellness Editor + Podcast Host
- If someone tells you they have an old pet, don’t immediately launch into a story about your pet passing away. Trust me: It’s the last thing they want to hear. —Madeline Galassi, Fashion Editor
- Take the compliment. Instead of showing appreciation, I used to respond to a compliment by downplaying myself so as to not come across as arrogant. For example: “You have nice handwriting.” “Oh, really? I’m glad you can read it.” You are a great person and are capable of doing so many great things including having nice handwriting. Believe in that! You can smile, say “thank you,” and still remain humble. —Albany Hayes, Sales & Operations Administrative Assistant
Basic House Rules, For Your Own & Others’
Being a stellar host and a respectful house guest both require a certain level of time and attention. We are breaking down how to be thoughtful in other people’s homes as well as how to make our own lives easier in our own.
- Never, ever show up to someone’s house empty-handed if it’s your first time there. —Hailey, Assistant Editor
- Unless it’s family, don’t take your socks off at someone’s house. Likewise, don’t go barefoot if you’re hosting. —Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor
- When staying overnight at someone’s house, always ask if you should strip the sheets. If they say yes, take them to the laundry room! —Kathy Sisson, Editor
- Doing something you love while doing something you hate will get that item off your to-do list so much faster. For example, I hate cleaning but if I pop on an audiobook when I do it, time really flies. —Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor
- Always have your room be as clean and organized as possible before you leave for a night out—with pajamas, makeup wipes, and a full water bottle waiting on your bed for when you come home. Waking up in a disheveled room with a full beat still on and a dry mouth makes a hangover feel way worse than it actually is. —McKenna Pringle, Editorial Intern
General Rules for Going Out & About
Hot takes? You’ve come to the right place. Our unwavering opinions about what you should always, without question, pack in your purse, letting your dog off-leash, where and when to wear socks and underwear, and so much more:
- If you think you should pack a snack, pack a snack. There is nothing worse than being hungry and not having anything on hand. —Hailey, Assistant Editor
- Never leave the house without a deck of cards in your bag. There’s nothing better than sitting at a bar playing games with friends, new and old. —Jessica Welsh, Associate Commerce Editor
- Always dress in layers. It doesn’t matter how many times you checked the forecast, just bring the cardigan. —Jessica Bennett, Lifestyle Editor
- Always take two pieces of gum from the pack (only if it’s your own, of course). There’s no real logic here. It’s just better. —Bella Gil, Editorial Fashion Assistant
- Never walk backward—especially in a grocery store. Always assume someone is behind you and that you will run into them, because 90% of the time, you will. —Brett Nicole Hayden, Editorial Intern
- Keep your dog on a leash. Even if they’re friendly, not all other dogs are (and not everyone is comfortable with your dog approaching theirs). —Madeline Galassi, Fashion Editor
- Always, always, always wear socks at the airport. No matter how warm it is, you’ll never catch me showing off my dawgs or walking barefoot through security. No ringworm here! —Ashley Selleke, Brand Partnerships Manager
- Never wear holy underwear in case you get hit by a bus. —Aryana Johnson, Graphic Design Intern
Rules for Managing Your Mental Health
One thing about us? We prioritize our mental health, and these are the rules that our editors swear by to live a life that is authentic, intentional, and joyful. If you don’t adopt our rules anywhere else on this list, that’s OK, but take these to heart:
- If something is causing you anxiety, only allow yourself one day to stew on the topic. Then you have to create an action plan—even if your action plan is to let it go. —Kirra Wallace, Senior Graphic Designer
- Never, ever, under any circumstances, ignore a gut feeling. —Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor
- Lean into what you’re resisting. There’s always that one to-do living rent-free in the back of your mind. Check it off, and you’ll feel so much lighter. —Kathy Sisson, Editor
- You deserve to treat yourself with the same level of love and care that you give to others. —Hannah Nguyen, Junior Email Editor
- If you fall down into a ditch, don’t decorate. —Brett Nicole Hayden, Editorial Intern
- Stay in charge of your happiness and be your authentic self, always. —Nyla Montanez, Social Media Editor
- Remember to show up for yourself. Even on days when you don’t feel like it, your future self will be thankful you did. —Hannah Nguyen, Junior Email Editor
- Make peace with your past and don’t let it be part of your present. —Nyla Montanez, Social Media Editor
- Choose to let go of hurt and anger because holding a grudge against someone who has hurt you doesn’t punish the other person—it only punishes you. —Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer